The glow within: Ellen Ingemarsdotter on balancing modeling, beauty and life
The glow within: Ellen Ingemarsdotter on balancing modeling, beauty and life

The glow within: Ellen Ingemarsdotter on balancing modeling, beauty and life

For model Ellen Ingemarsdotter true beauty starts from within. She understands the importance of self-care — both physical and emotional — to shine on and off the runway. In this interview Ellen shares her skincare secrets, favorite workouts that keep her in shape, and her thoughts on how dreams and ambition make life brighter.

How did you decide to start your modeling career at such a young age? What were the biggest challenges for a 14-year-old in this industry?

I just turned 23 and I’m still very young. When I think about how everything started and why I decided to start modelling at such a young age it feels so long ago. I was scouted in Copenhagen airport when I was 14. I was with my mom and she was very skeptical in the beginning. I had never thought about being a model before, but I also understood that this chance may never come again. So after a discussion with my parents we decided that I could start working. But my parents had one requirement, that the school is going first until I’m 19. So if I really want to model I have to do the school also, I knew that the choice I took was tough, but I did it, and today I’m very happy about that.

I started to work in mostly Scandinavia, but it got very quickly and more jobs very fast, so I started to work in the whole Europe and even outside Europe, such as the USA and Asia. So that’s how everything started. The biggest challenge for a young Ellen was to always show my best side no matter how bad I felt. If I didn’t show up to a job or a casting happy and smiling andt instead look sad and unhappy, then I will never get chosen for a job. It’s so important in this industry to face this, it’s not only to be a model, you also have to be a good actor with a high workingmoral.

You’ve lived in Paris and Milan – what do you love most about each city? How have they influenced your perspective on fashion?

Both Paris and Milan are two big cities within fashion, and also my two favorite cities in Europe. Milan and Paris are quite similar for me in many ways. I love the culture and the art in both cities, and how romantic, timeless and elegant it is. Which is also reflected in the fashion we can see today.

It’s so many things that I can tell you about each city, but If I have to choose one thing that I like most in each city I would say the fashion and the beautiful architecture for Paris and for Milan I have to say their amazing food. I’m a real sucker for Italian food.

How would you describe your style today? What are the wardrobe essentials you can’t live without, and what items help create a bold accent?

I would describe my style classy and timeless with a twist. I love to go quite basic like a shirt with jeans or a tailored suit pants. To make it more like me, I spice up in the accessories. It can be a pair of unique sunglasses, a cool belt, or a bag in a poppy color. My wardrobe essentials that I can’t live without I would say is a white shirt or a tshirt that you always can make a good outfit of. Black boots, no matter if the boots a heeled or flat, a pair of black boots is a must in my wardrobe and as I mentioned before, I like to put the twist in the small details, so a cool handbag or sunglasses, it’s a must to put the whole outfit complete.

Which fashion trends this season do you like the most? Is there anything you’d never wear?

I have seen a lot this season that the suede is coming back. I see everything from jackets to pants from fast brands like Zara to more high fashion brands like Miu Miu. But also ruffles, on blouses and dresses, are back. I am really working on liking this trend but I still have some problems with it. I feel that it can be a little too cute on me,when I’m wearing it.

Modeling requires taking care of your skin and figure. What are your top secrets for maintaining both?

In my life I have really had ups and downs with for example health and taking care of myself, but in my last year I really took care of myself, both inside out. It’s so important that you feel good in both your head and body then your soul is shining. For me I have a really good skincare routine. I think it’s so important because it`s something you do every day.

But sometimes I give my skin an extra boost in the form of treatments like facials, and my favorite treatment is lpg that I actually do both for my face and body. It’s a massage that drains out the water and improves circulation, collagen and elastin production. Workout and healthy eating it’s really important for me. I feel my best when I start my day with a workout. I do different types of workout every day but my favorite it’s Pilates. It`s very tuff, and I don’t think people understand it’s really hard work on your core. It’s not only the workout that makes me feel the best. Also, eating healthy meals during the day is good for having my energy on top. I believe in variation of food and a balanced diet with healthy choices. I eat almost everything but I avoid red meat and pig because my body feels the best that way. To drink water it’s also extremely important both for the skin but also the body.

What does beauty mean to you? Is it more about appearance or inner state?

Beauty for me can mean a lot of things, but real beauty starts inside. If you are just beautiful to look at, but have a heartless soul, you are not a beauty in my eyes. A beauty for me is someone who has a big heart and cares about other people, even those people who is not the most attractive can be a beauty in someone’s eyes.

How do you unwind and recharge after a busy schedule? Do you have any rituals for regaining energy?

It can be very hard sometimes to unwind and recharge in hectic periods. But one thing that really makes me unwind, is to be with friends and family. It`s make me so happy, and I can really be myself around the people I love the most.

My parents and siblings are still living in Sweden, and between my hectic schedule I’m trying to go home and see them as often as I can. They give me so much energy and love and just after a few days home in Sweden or a weekend with my friends  I’m recharged to work again.

What keeps you motivated to work on yourself every day? Do you have any personal principles you live by?

I think the most important thing for me is to still have goals and dreams, and go in the right direction to make them come true. That makes you motivated in life. Even if I have made many of my dreams come true, I never stop dreaming or making goals that make the life like a challenge and motivates you to be the best version of yourself. To be ambitious and work hard always pays off in the end, and when you see the results of your dreams and goals coming true it even wants you to work harder. Never stop dream, believe you can do it, and you’re halfway there.


Model: Anna Ellen Vendela

Photographer: Tim Rem

Stylist: Anastasia Palunina

Muah: Marina Zakrevska

Editing: Tim Rem

Producer: Olga Ivanova

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