На Солнце зафиксировали очень мощную вспышку
Последний раз вспышки такой силы регистрировались на небесном светиле осенью 2017 года.
Today's M4.4 solar flare came from a sunspot region behind the south-east limb. We see a huge amount of coronal dimming and a large coronal mass ejection became visible on STEREO A. The eruption is however aimed away from Earth keep that in mind. Welcome Solar Cycle 25! pic.twitter.com/9oGkbrtH0X
— SpaceWeatherLive (@_SpaceWeather_) November 29, 2020
Another look at the coronal mass ejection launched by the M4.4 flare earlier today. These images come from SOHO which is a space craft that looks at CMEs from earth's point of view. A fast and impressive CME can be seen but as mentioned earlier, it is not directed towards Earth. pic.twitter.com/mVvOGebuon
— SpaceWeatherLive (@_SpaceWeather_) November 29, 2020
Ранее сообщалось, что с декабря 2019 года начался новый 25-й цикл солнечной активности, который продлится 11 лет.
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